Fender Guitar Serial Numbers

USA Fender Guitar Serial Numbers

If you are trying to date your modern or vintage Fender guitar you are in luck. We have what we feel is an accurate list of serial numbers dating back to 1950. Serial numbers can be a helpful way to help determine an instruments production year.  When searching for the serial number of your instrument you will want to look for them in one of the below components.

  1. One of the most notable areas to find a SKU is the top of the neck plate.
  2.  The front or back of the head-stock is another common place to find your guitars SKU number
  3.  The back of the neck near the junction with the body
  4. Stamped on the back of 1950s vibrator cover plates for Stratocaster guitars
  5. On the bridge plate on some Telecaster guitars.

Having the serial number isn’t always a surefire way to determine the year.  The brands modular production methods, as well as periods with non-sequential serial numbering that can overlap two to four years (1950s up to mid-1980s) it is difficult to be  definitive.  If you’re looking to find the year of your Fender guitar this is the chart for you.  This can be used for both Fender Telecaster serial number lookup and Fender Stratocaster serial number dates.

American Fender Serial Number Lookup Chart

Serial NumberProduction Date
Up to 60001950 to 1954
Up to 10,0001954 to 1956
10,000s1955 to 1956
10,000s to 20,000s1957
20,000s to 30,000s1958
30,000s to 40,000s1959
40,000s to 50,000s1960
50,000s to 70,000s1961
60,000s to 90,000s1962
80,000s to 90,000s1963
90,000s up to L10,000s1963
L10,000s up to L20,000s1963
L20,000s up to L50,000s1964
L50,000s up to L90,000s1965
100,000s to 200,000s1966 to 1967
200,000s to 300,000s1969 to 1970
300,000s1971 to 1972
300,000s to 500,000s1973
400,000s to 500,000s1974 to 1975
500,000s to 700,000s1976
76 + 5 DIGITS1976
S6 + 5 DIGITS 
S7 + 5 DIGITS1977
S8 + 5 DIGITS 
S7 + 5 DIGITS1978
S9 + 5 DIGITS 
S9 + 5 DIGITS1979
E0 + 5 DIGITS 
S9 + 5 DIGITS1980
E1 + 5 DIGITS 
S9 + 5 DIGITS1981
E1 + 5 DIGITS 
EI + 5 DIGITS 1982      
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
E2 + 5 DIGITS1983    
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
E3 + 5 DIGITS1984    
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
E3 + 5 DIGITS1985    
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series)1986
E4 + 5 DIGITS1987    
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
E4 + 5 DIGITS1988    
V + 4, 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
E8 + 5 DIGITS1989    
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
E9 + 5 DIGITS1990      
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N0 + 5 DIGITS1991
N1 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N1 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1992
N2 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N2 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1993
N3 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N3 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1994
N4 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N4 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1995
N5 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N5 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1996
N6 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
N6 + 6 or 6 DIGITS1997
N7 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
AMXN + 6 DIGITS (CA Series)1997 or 1998
N7 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1998
N8 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (U.S. Vintage Series) 
DN + 6 DIGITS (American Deluxe Series)1998 or 1999
N8 + 5 or 6 DIGITS1999
N9 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS
(U.S. Vintage Series, except ’52 Tele) 
N9 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2000
Z0 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ0 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
Z0 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2001
Z1 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ1 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
Z1 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2002
Z2 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ2 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
Z1 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2003
Z3 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ3 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Deluxe Series)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
Z3 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2004
Z4 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ4 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
XN4 + 4 Digits
Z4 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2005
Z5 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ5 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
XN5 + 4 Digits
Z5 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2006
Z6 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ6 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
XN6 + 4 Digits
Z6 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2007
Z7 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ7 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
XN7 + 4 Digits
Z7 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2008
Z8 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ8 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
XN8 + 4 Digits
Z8 + 5 or 6 DIGITS2009
Z9 + 5 or 6 DIGITS
DZ9 + 5 or 6 DIGITS (Am. Deluxe)
V + 5 or 6 DIGITS (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster)
XN9 + 4 Digits
US10 + 6 DIGITS2010
US11 + 6 DIGITS2011
US12 + 6 DIGITS2012
US13 + 6 DIGITS2013
US14 + 6 DIGITS2014
US15 + 6 DIGITS2015
US16 + 6 DIGITS2016
US17 + 6 digits V + 5 or 6 digits (American Vintage Series except ’52 Telecaster, which uses a five-digit number stamped into the bridge plate)2017

While Fender is a top brand to purchase, it is worth noting that those looking to buy and older model that is for sale should note that there have been periods of dramatic change.  Some of these periods include the transition  between Leo Fender years, the CBS years, and the transition period between CBS and the current ownership. 

If you are search for Fender F-35 serial number dates, Fender Bullet Serial Number dates, neck date info, or specific serial number schemes please check the Fender website to see if they have any possible resources you might be able to reference.

Continue Reading: How to set-up a pedalboard.